Grand News
- 2020.10.13 17:43:57
the 12th (Monday) after the three-day Hangul Day holiday, 'social
distancing' has been downgraded from
level 2 to level 1. The gathering regulations of 50 people indoors, 100 people
outdoors have been eased from ‘prohibit’ to ‘restraint’, but the second level
of ‘social distancing’ needs to be partially maintained in facilities that
require mandatory quarantine measures.
COVID-19 situation appears to be settling down, but Grand Plastic Surgery is
still operating with intervals between the treatments to maintain ‘patient
distancing’ without letting go of the tension. Also, to prevent the re-spread
of coronavirus, prevention system
including ‘requiring mask wear and checking the temperature of all visitors,
keeping hand sanitizers on all floors, operating air purification and
sterilization system, and mandating mask were for medical staffs and all
employees’ is operating.
Rhee Sewhan M.D of Grand Plastic Surgery said, ‘Even though the alert level is
lowered to level 1, we shouldn’t lose the tension to prevent the re-spread of
the virus. In response, all staff members of Grand Plastic will thoroughly
follow the quarantine guidelines to protect our patient’s safety’.